November 11, 2022
VOTE FOR US | 2022 AdCann Awards
First of all THANK YOU, Niagara 😊
We've been hyper-focused on our community's cannabis needs for almost 2 years now.
We wouldn't have the privilege of being here without your support 😊
We're up against some of our very best friends in this category. We appreciate and congratulate all the nominees. As an independent retailer, we understand the daily challenges of competing against corporate stores. Everyone listed here deserves some acknowledgment. We're proud to be included in AdCann's list of Independent Brands of the Year for 2022.
VOTE HERE | Independent Brand of the Year | Garden City Cannabis Co.
You've probably noticed but we create ALOT of content :p One of the ways we serve our community is through a continuous stream of “edutainment." Our goals from day one have included stigma-obliterating videos that educate and entertain. Whether it be from showcasing the world's first “cannabis superhero” (Captain Cannabis) to explaining recent studies on CBN/CBG, we're proud to be included in AdCann's “best social media” category in 2022.
VOTE HERE | Best Social Media | Garden City Cannabis Co.
No way we can take all the credit here. Niagara Canna Cares is a collective of independent Niagara-owned stores that puts competition aside and comes together for our community. Congrats to all participants in our community campaign, The Niagara Herbalist, Takeoff Cannabis, UpHi Emporium, Paradise Cannabis, and Weedy Point.
VOTE HERE | Social Good Campaign | Niagara Canna Cares